tangled in untapped ideas and tucked-away drafts?
You’ve got the passion, and I’ve got the blueprint. Next? We pen your story.

01 | If you're at the beginning of your journey...

Learn what to do, Before The Book — BEFORE you start writing:
Download this FREE live-series book and learn the 5 steps to starting your writing journey.

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By signing up you agree to receive my Margin Notes delivered every Monday — with FREE behind-the-scene access, my margin notes, and exclusive editorials. (Unsub anytime.) For more, see my Terms & Conditions.

...because storytelling goes beyond splotches of ink on paper.
Anyone can write, there's some truth to that. But crafting something that really resonates with your readers — That makes you pinch yourself, 'cause you're not sure if you're dreaming. That kind of writing takes serious commitment.

You’re here so I know you’re serious about your story, and I’m serious about helping you bring it to life. Whether it’s finding the motivation to start or the discipline to finish.
my coaching is for when you're ready to —
  • Put your stories on shelves—bc, yes people still read books (#booktok says hello)
  • Netflix binges → writing binges (pt: your story is more addictive than any streaming series)
  • Lose "aspiring" writer and own the title "author" (spoiler: the only difference is finishing)
  • Silence the inner critic long enough to hear your characters' voices ( bc they've got a lot to say)
COMING Q4 2024

02 | The 1-Month Writer ™

I'm a point A to point B girl. I like to cover all the bases. So from the top. The 1-Month Writer Program is everything you need to start your writing journey.

The 1-Month Writer Program will launch Q4 2024.

Image of Blair Carter

Hi —
Let's Work Together?

A great way to learn is to teach. So you'll have to excuse me for spreading my knowledge here.

And Newsflashif writing keeps calling you, it’s your calling.
So you have to choose your hard:

Stay stuck in the daydream. Your story's safely tucked in your mind. No one can criticize it there. But that itch to get it on paper never goes away.

Or choose the other hard. Put your head down, write it ugly, practice, practice, get better, and persevere until you’ve penned your signature novel. It’s tough, but it’s the only way to say goodbye to your draft drawer.

03 | TWSC ™

This Program will launch 2025.

The brass tacks? Getting started comes with no strings attached.
…and although my prices are a touch higher than one-off writing workshops — So are my standards.
I don't work with just anyone. I've got an application process because I'm tactful about who I let into my writing room.

I keep my workshops small and cozy so I can roll up my sleeves and really dig into your work.

That means you get:
Ready to Begin?
  • Full-step programs or sessions. — No one-off workshops here, we're in it from A to Z.
  • Post-program support (because we both know the story doesn't end at 'The End')
  • Battle-tested frameworks (from a creative data-driven mind)
  • The pure, unfiltered joy of finally bringing your book to life - no more excuses, procrastination, or self-doubt
— these services come included with either the 3-step programs or 1:1 coaching sessions
...because storytelling goes beyond splotches of ink on paper.
Anyone can write, there's some truth to that. But crafting something that really resonates with your readers — That makes you pinch yourself, 'cause you're not sure if you're dreaming. That kind of writing takes serious commitment.

You’re here so I know you’re serious about your story, and I’m serious about helping you bring it to life. Whether it’s finding the motivation to start or the discipline to finish.

Day in the Writing Room

You're ready to say buh-bye to the draft drawer. But your current methods leave you staring at zeros and a flurry of words that aren't wording.
A day in the writing room IS PERFECT FOR YOU IF -
  • You're early in your draft and need an extra pair of eyes to give it a glance over. And that's before you've reached the middle and realize your story has more holes than swiss cheese.
  • You're looking for a step-by-step plan to get you back into the draft that you drawered away years ago. It's a little dusty, but it still has magic, you just need someone to help you, help it shine.
  • You need a worders touch to your hook, beginning, or plot outline because it all sounded better in your head and you want that to be mirrored in your words.
My "Day In The Writing Room" service is a quick way to get my eyes on your draft. And get you tangible done-for-you work delivered that gets you to the next step.
starting at $???
7-hour work day
An actionable plan & done-for-you work that will assist you in moving forward with your writing work. Get a snippet of your doc on my desk and I can help you with the hook, beginning of your story, or overall plot outline.

🟨 A to-the-pencil plan that you can take back to your writing desk.
🟨 Helpful resources tallied up from your DITWR.
step inside →
payment plans available

Asked Questions

Do you work with non-fiction writers?

Nope! I play favorites, and that is fiction writers. However most writing advice is interchangeable between the two. I suggest picking up 'Before The Book' as its message applies to all writers.

Do I need a finished draft?

Not at all, many of my programs are for writers with nothing to very little on their writing desk. However, if you plan to work 1:1 you don't need a finished draft but you don't want to show up empty handed.

What if I’ve never written before?

No problem. I suggest subscribing to my Margin Notes and picking up 'Before The Book' both (free) btw. This will help you get started on the right foot.

How's this different from other writing workshops?

I call it my 3-step program. While it's currently in progress the main difference is that it's not a one-off workshop. I often mention, I'm a point A to point B girl. Meaning I like to cover all the bases, in an organized order. No skipping around, no disjointed-ness, no leaving you hanging asking 'what's next.'

Still have a Q?

Help me with revision and let me know what I missed.

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